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What to consider when choosing a grant adviser

Karim Budabuss
Director - Grant Advisory
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Applying for grant funding can be a multi-layered process, with businesses having to navigate a complex and ever evolving landscape. Identifying suitable grants, building strong cases, and managing funded projects can be complex and time-consuming.

To make the process as seamless as possible, savvy businesses should appoint an experienced grant adviser rather than undertake the work in-house. As well as helping with the initial application, they can manage the post-offer-in-principle due diligence too.

Numerous advisers offer a range of services, making it difficult to know where to turn. With that in mind, we’ve pulled together three considerations that you should put front and centre when appointing a grant adviser.

Tips for choosing the right grant adviser

Beware of AI-led, low-cost grant writing services

At initial glance, advisers offering a well-priced, fast-paced solution are attractive. After all, who doesn’t like value for money? But dig a little deeper and the fee estimates provided are often simplistic and reflect a lack of specialist input. Yes, suggested lead-in times might be short, but the individual case-by-case adviser-led approach is missing and instead replaced by a heavy reliance on AI to write the grant application.

This aggressive approach to cost management often results in a volume-based process, which feels akin to a numbers game. Bid writers aren’t as invested in each submission and may not be as discerning about which projects they put forward.

If you are given an estimate that implies this approach, for example, a lack of experienced project lead or an unrealistic turnaround time, note the red flags and steer clear.

At ForrestBrown, we put an expert, people-led approach at the heart of our grant advisory work and offer a process that goes far beyond writing bids. We use technology to surface data and identify trends, which our team can use to inform clients’ grant funding strategy.

Embrace transparency, collaboration and proactivity

A strong starting point for a positive, collaborative relationship with a grant adviser is transparency. Is the adviser that you’re considering openly communicating the probability of the application succeeding? Are they sharing details on their approach and tactics? Do they have a checklist approach to planning?

If they do, it’s a positive sign that they’ve properly evaluated your application, have undertaken a sector analysis and understand the risks as well as opportunities. For a good adviser, that may mean saying no to putting a project forward for funding if they don’t believe that it meets the eligibility criteria and has a realistic chance of success.

If they do believe that it meets the criteria, a good adviser should have communicated the opportunities and risks to you and will be forward planning. This is crucial. Timelines need to align and be openly communicated to third parties that you’re collaborating with (eg local authorities) to maximise the chance of a positive outcome.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

At ForrestBrown, we are strategic in our approach to grant applications. We understand your objectives; assess feasibility; prepare your application and negotiate on your behalf. We then manage compliance and undertake the often-overlooked post-offer in principle due diligence – ensuring transparency every step of the way.

If these components have been factored in at the outset, then you will have maximised the chances of your application succeeding. Assuming a positive outcome, an adept grant adviser will then be able to assist with the post-offer in principle due diligence, which a low-cost grant writer may not be able to.

In the event of an unsuccessful application, it’s important to be able to fall back on an adviser with a deep understanding of the wider grant landscape that can advise on potential alternative sources of funding.

ForrestBrown’s grant advisory team continually horizon scans and has the latest intelligence on the grant funding opportunities. This enables us to give you strategic advice on grant funding that best fits your business objectives before we even start an application.

To give you a flavour of the value that a transparent well-informed grant adviser can bring, these two case studies – sourced from recent work that ForrestBrown has undertaken for its clients – provide a great insight.

Case study

Grant: Industrial Energy Transformation Fund

Business: Multinational brewing company

ForrestBrown supported a multinational brewing company with its application for the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (Phase 3) grant.

We began with a kick-off workshop to brief the stakeholders. This covered each area of the application and its weighting in the decision framework, as well as timelines.

We also discussed the project’s status, identified completed work and gained a summary of missing information. A strategy was developed and agreed with the stakeholders.

ForrestBrown worked closely with the client to draft the application and prepare the appendices, including supporting information such as GANTT charts, risk registers, and sustainability and energy efficiency calculations.

To obtain the technical information for the application, we collaborated with an engineering consultancy.

Through the collaborative data collection and review process, we drafted a robust 55-page application meeting all required criteria, which was approved by the client and submitted to deadline.

Case study

Grant: Scaling-up Semiconductor Manufacturing – CR&D

Business: Semiconductor SME

ForrestBrown supported a semiconductor SME with a feasibility study and application for the Scaling-up Semiconductor Manufacturing – CR&D grant opportunity.

The client needed us to identify whether the grant was a feasible option, then complete the application within four weeks.

Our work commenced with a workshop to set out the grant application process and timeline. We then established the position of the project and confirmed the information held. We quickly identified that the project would be eligible for the grant.

Guiding the client through the application documentation was key as it enabled us to devise a strategy for delivering the application on time. We identified and agreed clear milestones, with actions and responsible individuals.

Weekly meetings were held to track progress and provide updates. Our team prepared multiple iterations of the application, incorporating stakeholder feedback where appropriate and ensuring best practice was followed. Once complete, we guided the client through the online submission process via the Innovation Funding Service portal, ensuring that the deadline was met.

Need support with a grant application?

Our Grants team has over 25 years’ experience in providing grant advice in the UK to businesses of all sizes and types and across all sectors. If you’re looking for support with a grant application, get in touch to find out more about the range of services that we offer.