1. Examples of our work
  2. ForrestBrown supports world’s first property technology platform

ForrestBrown supports world’s first property technology platform



Type of R&D




About OpenBrix

OpenBrix was established in 2017 as a next generation multi-functional, fully interactive prop-tech platform with a vision to create a world where, through the use of technology, tenants, agents and landlords can nurture headache-free, harmonious and prosperous relationships. Having created the world’s first property portal build on a public community blockchain, OpenBrix has decentralised the portal industry, helping buyers find the perfect property through transparent engagement and innovate technology.

What OpenBrix had to say

“As a CIO in a technology business it can feel like I’m being bombarded by advisers making promises about R&D tax relief. ForrestBrown have helped cut through this noise. The team showed patience from the outset, making the effort to understand what we do and how we are structured. As a result of this time investment, subsequent claims have been progressively smoother as we now have systems in place to capture and document our R&D.

“OpenBrix is breaking new ground by developing products that haven’t been seen before. Competitors have tried and failed, so it’s inevitable that some of our projects will come to nothing. R&D tax relief gives us greater scope to take risks and removes the fear of failure. My view is that our project graveyard is evidence of our commitment to innovation. The ability to get something back for this investment in R&D helps make the case to my board that we should try new things, not just stay safe and narrow.

“We work with developers in India, so changes to the rules on overseas R&D will have an impact on how we plan our innovation in future. It’s a global world, so we will continue to work globally, and I am confident ForrestBrown will provide practical advice on the best approach to take.

“In a challenging market, R&D tax relief enables us to take more risks. Without it, we might have to take a more cautious approach. As it is, we can continue to develop industry-leading technology, such as a validated tenant user app which will enable IDs to be carried over into the metaverse, helping to take that world from the Dark Ages to the Enlightenment by facilitating the flow of transactions.”

Shahad Choudhury, Chief Innovation Officer

Doing R&D in the technology sector?

ForrestBrown specialist R&D tax advice with unmatched sector insight. Want to know more? Speak to us today.